
Vol. 023/No. =002
BIRK, K.; LUPO, A.R.; GUINAN, P. E.; BARBIERI, C.E., The interannual variability of midwestern temperatures and precipitation as related to the ENSO and PDO., Atmósfera, No. 002, abril 2010 [RESUMEN] [FICHA REVISTA]
DOMÍNGUEZ MARTÍN, S.; GARCÍA DIEZ, E. L., The singular role of the atmospheric stability in forest fires., Atmósfera, No. 002, abril 2010 [RESUMEN] [FICHA REVISTA]
NARKHEDKAR S., G.; SINHA S., K.; MUKHOPADHYAY, P., Rainfall analysis using conventional and non-conventional rainfall information on monthly scale., Atmósfera, No. 002, abril 2010 [RESUMEN] [FICHA REVISTA]
RAJPUT, N.; LAKHANI, A., Measurements of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in an urban atmosphere of Agra, India., Atmósfera, No. 002, abril 2010 [RESUMEN] [FICHA REVISTA]
BARJA, B.; ANTUÑA, JUAN CARLOS, Cirrus clouds physical and spatiotemporal features in the Wider Caribbean., Atmósfera, No. 002, abril 2010 [RESUMEN] [FICHA REVISTA]
AZRI, C.; MABROUK, C.; ABIDA, H.; MEDHIUB, K., Water-soluble components in PM10 aerosols over an urban and a suburban site in the city of Sfax (Tunisia)., Atmósfera, No. 002, abril 2010 [RESUMEN] [FICHA REVISTA]
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